Instruction Manual Download
Terms and conditions
By downloading materials from this website, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth in this notice.
This website does not provide instruction manuals for all models released.
The instruction manual provided with this service may differ in content from the instruction manual included with the product package.
This website does not provide information about bundled items other than the instruction manual.
The copyrights to the instruction manuals included with the product package and the instruction manuals provided on this website are the property of JANOME Corporation.
It is strictly prohibited to reproduce (including file copying) or modify any part of the contents of these copyrighted materials, including the instruction manuals, or to distribute them to any third party or post them on any website other than ours without our permission.
The information on this website may be modified or deleted without prior notice.
"Important Safety Instructions" is provided in the instruction manual or on a separate sheet included with the product package. However, due to changes in laws and regulations after the instruction manual was published, the "Important Safety Instructions" may not meet the standards set forth in the current laws and regulations.
In no event shall JANOME corporation be liable for any damages (including but not limited to damages resulting from the destruction of the computer or stored data, interruption of business operations, or interference with business activities) incurred by the customer as a result of downloading the instruction manuals provided on this website.