Memory Craft 9450 QCP is the 'next level' quilting machine!Has the same design DNA as the Professional Series. Very stylish with numerous useful functions added.
New Features

- AcuFeed Flex Professional Grade Foot(HP-2)
*This foot provides superior visibility and is great for curves and precise topstitching. It holds fabrics firmly in sync with the feed dogs to achieve professional results.*For use in combination with Professional Grade Needle Plate (HP).Utilizes the left side feed dogs.
- Tapering Capability
*You can select stitches from the tapering category.
*Lock stitch ON/OFF setting for the beginning/end of stitches
*Number of cycles display
*Tapering angle key
*Mirror images function available
*Number of cycles can be set
*'Tapering angle' and 'cycle (number of patterns)' can be saved in 'save as favorite setting'
- New Thread Guide '7' Simply draw the thread through Thread Guide 7 across the Face Plate from right to left. New ‘Thread Guide 7’ makes threading easy!
- Brighter Work Space
LED lights in 3 places. Brighter work space facilitates comfortable sewing.